Photos of Opening Makahiki observance on November 13, 2024 at Saguaro Correctional Center in Eloy, AZ.
Ruben Solis Garcia of San Antonio, TX visits Ohana Ho`opakele on March 26, 2015!

Kumu Richard and Lynette Paglinawan visiting with Ohana Hoopakele at the Hilo QLCC center on Nov. 9, 2011

Professor Marilyn Brown, Sociology and Professor Sarah Marusek, Political Science (and Olive) visit Ohana Hoopakele and discuss collaboration.

Ohana Hoopakele members share their dream of a holistic alternative to prisons with the Lieutenant Governor's staff.

Auntie Eleanor Ahuna

Sylvester "Papa K" Kepilino

Professor Williamson Chang joins Ohana Ho`opakele members on Aug. 14, 2013

Renwick "Uncle Joe" Tassill and Aunty June Toguchi-Tassill visit Uncle Sam Kaleleiki's aina in Puna (4/5/12)

Friends of Ohana Hoopakele meet to discuss Kulani and Field 33 as land base options for the first Puuhonua/Wellness Center.

Skippy Ioane entertains the crowd at the community Hoolaulea sponsored by Ohana Hoopakele to share the Puuhonua vision.

Auntie Maile Akimseu

Roshi Robert Aitken