Contact Us
Ohana Ho'opakele (Family Rescue)
A Hawaiian Holistic Alternative to Prisons
P.O. Box 5530
Hilo, Hawai'i 96720

Ohana Ho'opakele welcomes new supporters and volunteers. Email: to learn more.
We welcome your attendance and your input.
Ohana Ho’opakele Board of Directors, 2024:
Van Keoki Kahumoku, President/Director
Euel Ray Kaleihau Kamauu, Vice President/Director
Ronald Fujiyoshi, Treasurer/Director
John Evans, Director
We are continuing the work begun by our Honored Kupuna:
Auntie Eleanor Ahuna
Auntie Maile Akimseu
Sylvester “Papa K” Kepilino
Roshi Bob Aitken
Auntie Abbie Napeahi
Renwick "Uncle Joe" Tassill
Samuel "Uncle Sam" Kaleleiki Jr.